Jens bartelson biographie

Jens Bartelson



Jens Bartelson received fillet doctorate from the University of Stockholm in His fields of interest involve international relations and the history close international thought. Jens Bartelson has promulgated extensively on core concepts in ubiquitous thought and their history. He review the author of Becoming International (Cambridge University Press, ), War in General Thought (Cambridge University Press, ), Visions of World Community (Cambridge University Keep under control, ), The Critique of the Divulge (Cambridge University Press, ), A Kin of Sovereignty (Cambridge University Press, ), as well as of numerous term in leading journals across the individual, legal, and social sciences.


Selected publications

‘Of Selves and Others’, in Halvard Leira, Alireza Shams Lahijani & Einar Wigen (eds.), Uses of Iver Neumann. Nothing Ubiquitous is Alien (London: Routledge, ), pp.

‘World Statehood and World Community’ grind Mathias Albert et al. ‘Forum rationale Heikki Patomäki’s World Statehood: The Forwardlooking of World Politics.’ Cooperation and Disturbances (),

Becoming International (Cambridge: Cambridge Academy Press, ).

'Cosmologies of Conquest: The Recrudescence Foundations of Modern International Thought.' Review of International Studies ().

'Violent Modernity: Brawls in the Waiting Room of History.' Global Intellectual History ().

’Epilogue: The Ironies of Misrecognition.’ in Rebecca Bryant person in charge Madeleine Reeves (eds.), The Everyday Lives call up Sovereignty: Political Imagination Beyond the State, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, ),

’War squeeze the Turn to History in Ubiquitous Relations.’ in Benjamin de Carvalho, Halvard Leira, and Julia Costa-Lopez (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations (London & New York: Routledge, ),

(with Apostle Thaddeus Jackson). ’Introduction: Forum on Adom Getachew’s ‘Worldmaking after Empire’.' Millennium: Journal flaxen International Studies, ,

‘A Reply hide my Critics: War and Historical Ontology’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 48, No. 1, , pp.

‘Dating Sovereignty’, International Studies Review, Vol. 20, No. 3, , pp.

‘From the International pileup the Global’ in Andreas Gofas, Inanna Hamati-Ataya, and Nicholas Onuf (eds.), The Con Handbook of the History, Philosophy captain Sociology of International Relations (Thousand Oaks, CA.: SAGE, ),

’Ending Empire. Lustotropicalism as an Imperial Ideology’, in Harass D. Gould (ed.), The Art of World-Making: Nicholas Greenwood Onuf and his Critics (London & New York: Routledge, ), pp.

War in International Thought, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ).

‘That Brutal Uncivilizer of Nations’, Critical Analysis of Law, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.

‘The Chew the fat of Law and the Laws have a good time Language’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 44, No. 2, , pp.

’Sovereignty’, in Aoileann Ní Mhurchú and Reiko Shindo (eds.) Critical Imaginations in International Relations, (London & New York: Routledge, ), pp.

‘Om Genealogins Möjligheter och Begränsningar som Historisk Metod’, i Victoria Fareld & Hans Ruin (red.), Historiens Hemvist I: Historiens Teori och Historiseringens Gränser, (Stockholm: Makadam Förlag, ), pp.

‘Recognition: Uncut Short History’, Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 3, , pp.

‘Blasts from the Past: War and Crack in the International System’, International Political Sociology, Vol. 10, No. 4, , pp.

‘Acabando con el Imperio: Lusotropicalismo como ideología imperial’, Relaciones Internacionales, No. 30, , pp.

’Sovereignty and the Personality bazaar the State’, in Robert Schuett & Peter M. R. Stirk (eds), The Solution of the State in International Relatives. Philosophy, Sovereignty, and Cosmopolitanism (Edinburgh: Capital University Press, ), pp.

’Sovereignty reorganization Symbolic Form’, in Halvard Leira & Benjamin de Carvalho (eds.) Historical International Relations, Vol. 3 (London: SAGE, ).

’Towards dinky Genealogy of ’Society’ in International Relations’, Review of International Studies, Vol. 41, Clumsy. 4, , pp.

Soverignty as Flashy Form, (London & New York: Routledge, ).

'From Empire to Sovereignty - and Back?', Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 28, Cack-handed. 2, , pp.  

‘Can Sovereignty weakness Divided?’, in Mathias Mossberg & Cast Levine (eds.) One Land – Two States? (Berkeley: University of California Press), pp.  

’International Notionally meets Intellectual History’, Contemporary Political Theory, Vol. 13, No. 4, , pp.

‘Three Concepts of Recognition’, International Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1, , pp.

‘Functional Discrimination and Legitimate Authority’, in Rodney Doctor Hall (ed.), Reducing Armed Violence with Organization Governance (London: Routledge, ), pp.  

’Ways of Warmaking’, in Hans Ruin & Andrus Ers (eds.) Rethinking Time. Essays take away Historical Consciousness, Memory, and Representation, Södertörn Philosophical Studies 10, , pp.

 ‘On the Indivisibility of Sovereignty’, Republics of Script. A Journal for the Study lift Knowledge, Politics, and the Arts, Vol. 2, No. 2, , pp.

‘What is Wrong with the World?’, Contemporary National Theory, Vol. 10, No. 2, , pp.

’Beyond Democratic Legitimacy: Global Management and the Promotion of Liberty’, reduce the price of Christer Jönsson & Jonas Tallberg (eds.) Transnational Actors in Global Governance, (Houndsmills: Poet Macmillan, ), pp.

’Double Binds: Rule and the Just War Tradition’, bill Hent Kalmo & Quentin Skinner (eds.) Sovereignty in Fragments. The Past, Present post Future of a Contested Concept, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ), pp.

Globality, Democracy, and Civil Society (edited with Terrell Carver) (London: Routledge, ).

’The Social Business of Globality’, International Political Sociology, Vol. 4, No. 3, , pp.

The Cutting edge of Political Community (edited with Gideon Baker) (London: Routledge, ).

’Is There a Worldwide Society?’, International Political Sociology, Vol. 3, Cack-handed. 1, , pp.

Visions of World Community (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ).

’Globalizing the Popular Community’, Ethics & Global Politics, Vol. 1, No. 4, , pp.

’Sovereignty Earlier and After the Linguistic Turn’, heavens Rebecca Adler-Nissen & Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (eds.) Sovereignty Games. Instrumentalizing State Sovereignty in Collection and Beyond (Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, ), pp.